Tag: classes

Online knitting class

Our online knitting and crochet classes

Online knitting and crochet classes

For quite some time we’ve been preparing to launch online knitting and crochet classes to handle the demand for our in store classes. What happened this year was the catalyst for us to get moving quickly. 2020 has really been a tough year for anyone in business. Overnight we had to close down, then try to operate within various restrictions as they were announced. For us in Loza Wool, while our shop is a large part of our business, our knitting and crochet classes were really hit hard.

Prior to March this year we ran at least 8 different classes every week. Restrictions to the number of people in store at any one time and the need for social distancing meant we could no longer have 6 people round a table together. At the same time we found that with so many people either working from home or sadly loosing their jobs and looking for something to fill their time, more people were turning to crafts. The demand for classes became bigger than ever.

So like every business we had to learn how to do things differently. Luckily we had already been in the process of adding classes online rather than in store so were all set and ready to go. Over the past few months we have been running beginners classes in both knitting and crochet and are continuing to add classes at all levels over the next few weeks and months. So far it’s worked out really well and is particularly suited to someone who can’t normally commit to a specific time or day, or who lives too far away to travel to us.

What makes our online classes different from watching a video online? Our classes are live so you have access to a teacher as you work and can ask all the questions you like. You have someone who can look at your work and tell you what your mistake is and how you can fix it. Our teachers have many years of teaching experience and can guide you through your project at your pace.

If you are interested in learning a new skill or maybe taking it to the next level keep an eye on our classes page for details.
